U P O Z O R E N J E - D E T E K T O V A N V I R U S V I R U S A L E R T Nas antivirus softver pronasao je | Our viruschecker found the
infected: I-Worm.Swen virus(e) u posti za vas sa adrese: | virus(es) in an email to you from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Zarazena poruka nalazi se u | The infected message is in attachmentu. Ukoliko odlucite da | the attachment. If you choose to poruku otvorite, to cinite | open the message, you do so NA SOPSTVENU ODGOVORNOST !!! | AT YOUR OWN RISK !!! PAZNJA: Samodistribuirajuci virusi | ATTENTION: Self-distributing cesto koriste lazne adrese u From: | viruses often use fake addresses polju poruka, pa nije iskljucena | in From: field of the message, mogucnost da je zarazena poruka | so it is possible that the poslata sa racunara koji u svom | infected message was sent from adresaru poseduje navedenu adresu, | a host that contains the above bez znanja njegovog vlasnika. | address in the address book, | without it's owner's knowledge. ========================================================================= ===== ___ = YUnet Antivirus E-Mail Gateway ==== / / / __ ___ _/_ == EUnet Yugoslavia, YUnet International === /--- / / / / /__ / === 4 Obilicev Venac, 11000 Belgrade, YU == /___ /__/ / / /__ / ==== phone: +381 11 3119233 == === http://www.EUnet.yu/ == Connecting Europe since 1982 == e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] =========================================================================