I've been away from debian for a little while and am having a hard time coming to terms with my wlan card.
I'm running the stock 2.4.21-5-i686 kernel on a Dell Inspiron. I insert my Wlan card (Nortel/Symbol e-mobility), and the cardmgr loads the orinoco and orinoco_cs modules and autoconfigures the interface with pump. I've set up a pcmcia scheme to configure ESSID, WEP key etc. The problems/questions: Kismet is broken. Also most iwconfig commands except for ESSID and key. I think I need to install wlan-ng. I gather this is different from the existing drivers. Is there a stock kernel with this support enabled or do I need to roll my own? Or can I get away with just downloading the linux-wlan-ng debs? Where does hotplug fit into this? Is that the recommended way of configuring new interfaces or should I stick with adding options in the /etc/pcmcia directory? Should I do my changes to /etc/networks/interfaces instead and write a mapping script? Where is a good place for wirless config scripts? I want my home ESSID to be selected around the house, but want to switch to ESSID "any" when I'm away. Thanks for any clarification/advice, Daniel