On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 10:32:05PM +1000, Ben wrote:
> Mattia Dongili wrote:
> >On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 11:39:23PM +1000, Ben wrote:
> > 
> >using X, gpm from console or what else?
> >
> using x, kde3/gnome..
> >
> >>if I boot back to bf24 kernel it works!
> >>kernel 2.4.22 modules are the same (ie usbcore hid usbmouse usb-uhci) as 
> >>bf24.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >You probably need to restart the application that needs to *see* the
> >newly plugged mouse.
> >A cleaner solution is to always load usbmouse (use modconf or add
> >usbmouse to /etc/moudules)
> >Or you compile usbmouse static into the kernel
> >
> modules are loaded (checked in modconf.)
> have restarted x several times, no change..

have you added the Input Device Section to your XF86Config-4 ?

> cat /dev/input/mice results in nothing, ie no weird characters being 
> printed to screen - which should happen, but also no device not present 
> message.

this is bad :)

as another message pointed out the corret module to load is mousedev,
not usbmouse:
you only need
<M>   USB Human Interface Device (full HID) support
[*]     HID input layer support
under *USB support*

<M> Input core support
<M>   Mouse support
under *Input core support*


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