On September 7, 2003 14:40, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On Sunday 07 September 2003 10:26, Matt Foster wrote:
> > I completly agree with what you're saying, but if you're on the move,
> > few things are more irritating than having to wait ten minutes for your
> > system to start-up. If you're like me, then you only use your laptop on
> > battery periodically, and at that point its normally fine to let fsck
> > run its course.
> >
> > Regardless of fs type(ext2 or 3, that is), fsck is run at startup, and
> > on my system the file system gets checked every 20something mounts
> > regardless. Maybe I'm missing something.
> An ext3 fs should not really run fsck, it looks at the journals to make
> sure everything is order and moves on.  A minute or so, tops.

But it does by default. Apparently some configuration option has to be 
changed, but I have no idea which one :-(. Could you explain in more detail 
what you've said above?


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