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Uwaga: w mailu od debian-laptop@lists.debian.org przeslanym do [EMAIL PROTECTED]
znaleziono wirusa: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
temat maila: Re: That movie
w zalaczniku: (part0002:document_all.pif)

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This e-mail is generated by the matmax.tfkfk.com.pl owned by

Warning: e-mail sent by debian-laptop@lists.debian.org to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
is infected by virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
the subject is: Re: That movie
in atachment: (part0002:document_all.pif)

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Please contact your system administrator for further information
or remove viruses from your workstation


The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 1062906698-RAV53367.
The file (part0002:document_all.pif) attached to mail (with subject:Re: That 
movie) sent by debian-laptop@lists.debian.org to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by RAV AntiVirus.


RAV AntiVirus for FreeBSD i386 version: 8.4.1 (snapshot-20021212)

Scan engine 8.11 for i386.
Last update: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 13:50:08 +02
Scanning for 81727 malwares (viruses, trojans and worms).

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