the machine: as above, a sony vaio z505d notebook/laptop.

the cdrom: pcga-cd51/a (pcmcia)

the kernel: 2.4.21 (yeah, prefer to tweak my own. old habits 
die hard.)

the debian flavour: woody

the problem: if i boot with the card inserted, i end up with no keyboard 
functionality. if i insert the card while the machine is running, it freezes 
immediately, whether running X or prior, in either case requiring a hard boot 
to restart.

all clues gratefully considered.

additionally, if anyone has managed to run a parallel zip 100 on the port 
replicator for this arch, pray share the details. 

i've googled and plumbed the archives on both of these issues, to no avail; 
but i'm hoping, nonetheless, that someone out there has been there (here) and 
done that.

TIA, ben

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