
this month's TuxMobil News digest[1] has again good news for Linux PDA and
laptop users.  Also there are news about Linux equipped SmartPhones. Here is
an extract of the monthly digest, but note there are much more noteworthy
issues, so do not miss to check the whole digest[1].

|=| MIZI has released the Linux Smart Phone Edition (2.0)[2]. And Motorola 
    finally sells their Linux and JAVA smartphone A760[3].

|=| AMD has announced a Alchemy-based PDA with Linux[4]. And two
    free Linux PDA distributions announced updates.  OPIE published 
    the first full release 1.0[5] and Familiar is now
    available as 0.7.1[6].  Werner Schulte published a new issue
    of the OPIE Development HOWTO[7].

|=| Linux Laptop users are encouraged to sign the
    Intel Support of Centrino Under Linux Petition[8].


    [1] http://tuxmobil.org/mobile_news_2003_08.html
    [2] http://www.mizi.com/en/prod/embed/embedded_smart.htm
    [3] http://motoinfo.motorola.com/motoinfo/products.asp
    [5] http://opie.handhelds.org/
    [6] http://familiar.handhelds.org/releases/v0.7.1/
    [7] http://www.uv-ac.de/opiedev
    [8] http://www.petitiononline.com/xanthan/petition.html

You may find the daily TuxMobil News RSS/XML channel, the archiv and
a news submission form at http://tuxmobil.org/newsfeed.html

|=| Werner Heuser = Keplerstr. 11A = D-10589 Berlin = Germany
|=| <wehe at tuxmobil.org>     T. 0049 - (0)30 - 349 53 86
|=| http://TuxMobil.org        UniX on Mobile Systems: HOWTOs,Software
|*| This is no time for phony rhetoric -- Lou Reed

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