On Sat, 30 Aug 2003, Michael Hauke wrote:
> This (using that MAKEFLAGS stance) works also when using "make", but
> I just don't know why you can not just "export CC=gcc-2.95" before
> starting kernel compilation.

The kernel makefile sets CC using 

CC              = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc

instead of the slightly more sane

CC             ?= $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc

You could also call make with make -e; which would make CC =
equivalent to CC ?=.

Don Armstrong

"I was thinking seven figures," he said, "but I would have taken a
hundred grand. I'm not a greedy person." [All for a moldy bottle of
 -- Sammi Hadzovic [in Andy Newman's 2003/02/14 NYT article.]


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