At 2003-08-20T05:25:11Z, Kirk Strauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

First, thanks to Martin for a few pointers.

For the sake of posterity, if you want to set up linux-wlan-ng to use
128-bit WEP and still use Debian's configuration system (i.e., editing
/etc/network/interfaces instead of the /etc/pcmcia scripts), then add
something like the following to your 'wlan0' clause in

    wireless_enc on
    wlan_ng_key0 01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef:01:23:45:67:89

Things I learned:

1) 'wireless_enc' expects a value of "on".  Not a hex string, not
colon-seperated octets, just "on".

2) Set the entire 26-byte hex string (I still don't understand why that's
not 32) into wlan_ng_key0.  I couldn't find an example of this anywhere, and
couldn't figure out whether I was supposed to evenly split those 26
characters across the wlan_ng_key0..4 variables (6 chars + a nibble in
each?) or if I was supposed to do something with "wlan_ng_priv_key128".  The
answer: leave those alone.  Just stuff it all into _key0.

In retrospect, the process was pretty trivial.  Since I wasn't able to find
one example on all of Google, though, I thought I'd save the next person
some agony.
Kirk Strauser

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