On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 22:36, ŁPP Rosa wrote:
> Hi all!
>     I have written some time ago about LG LPNCII 10/100 Cardbus card on
> Realtek 8139 chip based (title: LG LPNCII PCMCIA (Rtl-8139)- cannot even
> ping; date: August 6, 2003 20:33 - I did not change the settings apart these
> mentioned below ("noapic" does not work either) ). I have tried several
> tricks and none of them works :^/. I have checked the Internet for help once
> more and find an idea, but I do not know how to do this - I think I need to
> do such a "thing":
> Auto-negotiation disabled, with Speed fixed at 10 mbps, full-duplex.
> or
> Auto-negotiation disabled, with Speed fixed at 10 mbps, half-duplex.
> Does anybody know how to do this?

I have an onboard broken realtek, so I had to do this myself. What
worked for me was to use ethtool using:
ethtool speed 10 duplex half autoneg off
The package is ethtool
Also, doesn't help for changing the settings (should be returns errors
when I try) but does give good diagnostics is:
use with the -mm option, at the end of the output it says exactly what
the card is advertising and whats the link status.
the package is nictools-pci
If it doesn't help, and rtl8139-diag -mm gives output then send the
output, maybe it will say more on the link status.
also, when pinging the network try to run tcpdump on the interface to
see if anything seems to go out, and if the card is picking up any
traffic on the network
Another thing, I don't remember how to do this, saw it somewhere, try to
look at the interupt count to see if the hardware is responding to
packets on the network.

> I've got 2.4.20 kernel, I use yenta_socket and 8139too module (I also
> compiled my 819too_cb but nothing better with this...), laptop: HP OmniBook
> 5700CTX (P166MMX), the other network card is Intel EtherExpress Pro ISA
> (10Mbps I use eepro module), cables and cards are fine, because everything
> works under windoze...
> I tried to "insmod mii" and "insmod 8139too[_cb] media=0x0001|0x0100|etc."
> but all I've got is:
> (from dmesg) for example:
> 8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.26
> eth0: RealTek RTL8139 Fast Ethernet at 0xc8a41000, 00:40:f4:5d:b5:fb, IRQ 10
> eth0: Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8139C'
>   Forcing 10Mbps half|full-duplex operation.
> Am I doing something wrong? Is "media" parameter ok and the values?
> But when I try to ping the other computer (of course I did the ifconfig
> etc. - I think it's all right)
> - dmesg adds after "Forcing 10Mbps [...]"
> eth0: Setting full-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 0000.
> NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
> eth0: Tx queue start entry 4 dirty entry 0
> eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
> eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
> eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
> eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
> eth0: Setting full-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 0000.
> Anyone knows what to do? Any tips? ideas? feel free to wright.
> thanks in advance - rosa
> --
> status: a little bit sleepy...

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