On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 09:43:14PM -0400, Terry Mathews wrote:
> I've got one of these cursed Libretto L70s which can't boot a normal Linux 
> install set without a special floppy driver due to the floppy being 
> accessible by BIOS calls only.
> The driver can be found here http://libxg.free.fr/floppy/floppy.htm
> Can someone cook me up a Woody i386 rescue disk with this driver so that I 
> can install Woody? I found a disk for Potato, but AFAIK I can't start the 
> system up with a Potato boot disk to install Woody.

Install Potato on the machine, then upgrade it to Woody. Upgrading
Debian is easy, read info from Woody Release Notes.

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