You should place -o before the device name,

mount -t smbfs -o username=p //desktop/root /mnt/desktop


On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Peter Salisbury wrote:

> I'm connecting my laptop into a mixed Linux/MSW network using samba shares.  
> I 
> want access to files on my desktop. At the moment I do this using a 'guest' 
> share - no password required. This works OK but I'd like to make it more 
> secure so I tried changing the share on the desktop to allow only "valid 
> users peter". I then tried to mount the share on my laptop using:
> mount -t smbfs //desktop/root /mnt/desktop -o username=peter
> I was then prompted for my password which I gave correctly.
> The mount was rejected on my laptop saying invalid username/password 
> combination and the samba log on the desktop reported an invalid login. The 
> strange thing was it reported the login by user "nobody" which is the guest 
> username. I tried fiddling with various settings (via webmin and by editing 
> the samba conf file) but it was always the same: the username part of the 
> mount seems to be ignored.

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