On Sunday 27 July 2003 10:44, Micha Feigin wrote:
> I tried adding the line
> alias eth0 8139too
> to /etc/modules.conf as sugested in the documentation under
> kernel-src/Documentation/modules.txt
> but it didn't seem to do anything.
> running "ifconfig eth0 up" or "ifconifg eth0" returned
> eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
> Is this supposed to work or is it a bug in the documentation.
> Also, the file still instructs running kerneld which according to the
> decription of the kernel module loader (KMOD) in the kernel
> configuration isn't used anymore. Is this a documentation bug, and if
> so, where do I file it?
> I am using kernel 2.6.0-test1
> thanx
Sounds like the 8139too module isn't loaded - what does lsmod tell you?
Try inserting the module manually (modprobe 8139t00) if it isn't loaded and 
see what error messages (if any) you get.

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