Aaahhhh! Need sleep!

All the "2.4.20"s sould have read "2.4.21".


On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 13:10:38 -0700
Johannes Graumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a short question concerning the 2.4.21 kernel. I have a Fujitsu
> life book P 2120 and am setting out to compile the debian kernel-source
> (with debian patches applied). A friend told me that in the case of the
> 2.4.18 kernel a "alim15x3" patch had to be used to make the kernel work
> properly with the lifebook processor - I'm sorry if I get this all wrong
> ... Is that still the case for 2.4.20? Is there a 2.4.20 specific patch?
> Patching the 2.4.20 source with the 2.4.18 patch does not produce any
> errors ...
> Additionally: in contradiction to the alim15x3 patch, the trident patch
> said to be necessary as well (to get rid of problems with the soundcard
> after suspend) does not cleanly apply to the 2.4.20 source - is it still
> necessary? Where to get a 2.4.20 version?
> I'm new to this.
> Thanks, Joh

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