On Saturday 19 July 2003 01:15, Dan wrote:
> > I've seen some messages about the Linksys WPC11 wireless pcmcia NIC,
> > wether to use the prims2_cs driver or the orinoco_cs driver...
> I got one of those cards
> > I've got such a card too, and am trying to get it running... with or
> > without WEP, currently without, being I cannot get it to work...
> > I've read the wlan howto, read the docs in wireless-tools, but I am
> > stuck...
> Never gotten WEP to work :( but without it I just insert card and the
> following load orinoco_cs
> orinoco
> hermes
> works like a charm

Tried with Knoppix 3.2 which has a 2.4.20 kernel... by itself it loaded the 
prism2_cs driver... removed it and tried the orinoco_cs, ... modules you 
mentioned, but I do not get an interface... which confirms your experience...

I've tried to run Debian unstable with the 2.4.18-686 kernel, but still no 
eth1 interface... I do have a eth0, but that one is for the ethernet card, 

> > here is some versioning:
> >
> > wireless-tools            25-3
> > kernel-image-...        2.4.20-7
> > kernel-pcmcia-...       2.4.20-7
> my wireless-tools are 26-1 and my kernel is custom 2.4.18
> funny I have a 2.4.20 and 2.4.21 custom kernels but my card doesn't get an
> eth0 is still I see
> cs: memory probe 0x0c0000-0x0fffff: excluding 0xc0000-0xcffff
> 0xf0000-0xfffff orinoco_cs: RequestIRQ: Resource in use
>  no matter what I do.  Tried searching for a solution but never found one
> but I keep my 2.4.18 so I have wireless.

Loading the orinoco_cs module never gives errors... on neither 2.4.18 or 

Do you know some sources of information, i.e. programs that can figure out 
statuses of things?



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