> > Hi, > > I´m not sure if this is the case, but I´m using the synaptic driver wi > th a > compaq 1200. From 2.4 to 2.5/6 some things has changed, and one of these > wa > s > the config for the X. On 2.5/6 I had to change my XF86Config-4 and > include: > > Option "Protocol" "event" > Option "Device" "/dev/input/event0" > > You can try to do a cat /dev/input/event0 and them move the finger on > the > > touchpad. you will see a lot of garbage dumped on the screen as you move. > btw... the timing for the mouse pointer has changed too, mine was moving > m > uch > faster until I reconfigure it. >
well i do not use the synaptics configuration because i could not find it as debian package ... hm, well but this device does not exist on my notebook ... no such device .. thanks , martin -- Martin Buchleitner [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.buntstift.at +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more http://www.gmx.net +++ Jetzt ein- oder umsteigen und USB-Speicheruhr als Prämie sichern!