Am  Samstag, 12. Juli 2003 12:07  schrieb Russel:
> On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 05:56, mi wrote:
> > > I have just tried switching from the pcmcia-source package to the
> > > kernel tree for the PCMCIA drivers.
> > /etc/default/pcmcia CPC=yenta_socket is alright ?
that was a typoo, sorry
(hell, who will complain fuddled chars, with software !? :-)

> Here is the contents of my /etc/default/pcmcia:
> # Defaults for pcmcia (sourced by /etc/init.d/pcmcia)
> PCMCIA=yes
> PCIC=i82365
> Are there any specific changes that you recommend I should try?
yes, try PCIC=yenta_socket
lookup the kernel config - should be mentioned somewhere (grep yenta).
+ see Kenneth.

> > > When I insert my network card the correct device driver is loaded, but
> > > the pcmcia-cs code does not run dhclient etc.
> > > The kernel is the only thing that I have changed, with the other kernel
> > > with the pcmcia-source drivers it works fine.

Starting with pcmcia-cs 3.1.25, a clean install will identify Debian
systems and create a special network.opts file that, in the absence of other
network configuration settings, uses Debian's ifup and ifdown commands to
configure a network card based on settings in /etc/network/interfaces."
Debian's syslog configuration will place kernel messages in /var/log/messages
and cardmgr messages in /var/log/daemon.log.

My experience was, getting the latest original standalone source package and 
recompiling the modules worked better than anything precompiled or inbuilt.
Note: The pcmcia-cs (tools) Configure script looks up the kernel-option 
CONFIG_PCMCIA; if this is enabled = set to "y" the Configure script refuse to 
start compiling. You see, it's exclusive.

--- Resources:
/usr/src/modules/pcncia-cs/README, FAQ, and
etc/default/pcmcia ... the boottime configuration
etc/pcmcia/config ... the card identifier database
etc/pcmcia/ ... the runtime configuration directory 
/etc/pcmcia/config.opts ... to set general memory i/o spaces and irq's.
/var/lib/pcmcia/stab ... currently notified cards.
cardctl ident, status, eject, insert
cardinfo (on X)


                                    mi <mrl>

Great stuff, SELinux ! Good luck to this.

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