In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Last night i was apt downloading over a slow modem when i did notice something 
>started apache processes on my box (debian woody 3.0r1).
>Apache is started from inetd here, listening on port 80, just for local 
>document reading (like dhelp).

As others have said, it's a system infected with IIS trying to see if
it can make your IIS even more corrupt.  (Since you don't have IIS, it
won't succeed in doing anything more than anoy you.)

If you were running apache as a daemon, I'd recommend only listinging
to  Since you are using inetd, that's not an option, so you
should filter out such attempts with iptables (or ipchains if you are
using a 2.2 kernel).  I'd use this at the appropriate place:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s ! -j DROP

Blars Blarson                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Text is a way we cheat time." -- Patrick Nielsen Hayden

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