Hello! Now, my wireless card work. After then I configurate netenv to change my network-interfaces. But I have to delete the /etc/rcS.d/S40network to start my wireless-pcmcia-card normally. Before I do this I have to stop my network and pcmcia and start pcmcia (first) and than my network.
Is there any other way to start my wireless network. Can I start pcmcia at the booting in /etc/rcS.d .--. Thanx in advanced |o_o | ||_/ | CU // \ \ (| | ) Michael /'\_ _/`\ \___)=(___/ -- /-----------------------------------------------------\ | Michael Ott, Glockenhofstr. 29a, 90478 Nuernberg | | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tel. +49 9 11 41 88 576 | \-----------------------------------------------------/