Le 12238ième jour après Epoch,
Michelle Konzack écrivait:

> Am 11:07 2003-07-03 -0500 hat Tom Murdock geschrieben:
>>First time user:
>>I would like to ask for help, please. Need instructions in installing 
>>minicom_ 1.83.1-4.5_i386.deb on Toshiba Satellite 1555CDS with Red Hat 9.0
>>I would appreciate respond.
>>Thank you,
> You joke us ???
> I install my *.deb on Debian-Boxes... ;-))

But perhaps can we recommand him alien ;)

You can transform a .deb into a .rpm to install minicom*.deb into your box.

apt-get install alien ... Oops... rpm -ivh alien.rpm :)

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