On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 06:51:34PM -0700, Raju Kurunkad wrote:
">"* Kai Timmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-07-03 18:40]:
">"> Hello,
">"> i have a Dell Inspirion 8200 with a TrueMobile Card. This Card has a
">"> Broadcom  4301 Chipset. I can't find a way to get this Card running
">"> under Linux. Is there anyone here who has this Card working ?
">"Card is not supported in linux. Consider signing this petition to Broadcom
">"for linux support:
Uuuh, thats bad, very bad.

"Stellt euch nur vor, wieviel Angst erforderlich sein wird,
um Menschen davon abzuhalten, Kopien von Dingen auf ihren
Computern weiterzugeben. Ich hoffe, ihr wollt nicht in 
einer Welt mit soviel Angst leben."
Richard Stallmann (7/1999)


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