----- Original message follows----- Hugh Saunders
> I use the linux-wlan-ng drivers [currently 0.2.1-pre6] they work fine
> with wep, the only pain being that they dont support wireless
> extensions.

Where do you have your WEP config settings stored?  I'm presuming
/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts and here's what mine more or less looks like:

# Note that for Debian this file is not used unless you also edit
# /etc/pcmcia/network.opts. Otherwise /etc/network/interfaces is used
# instead. See README.Debian for details.


case "$ADDRESS" in
        # Do we want to enable the card at all?  Set to 'n' if you don't
        # want the card initialized for normal operation.  Helpful for
        # (re)loading flash or for test purposes.
        # Do we want to enable the card at all?  Set to 'n' if you don't
        # want the card initialized for normal operation.  Helpful for
        # (re)loading flash or for test purposes.

        #=======USER MIB SETTINGS=============================
        # You can add the assignments for various MIB items
        #  of your choosing to this variable, separated by
        #  whitespace.  The wlan-ng script will then set each one.
        # Just uncomment the variable and set the assignments
        #  the way you want them.


        # [Dis/En]able WEP.  Settings only matter if PrivacyInvoked is true
        lnxreq_hostWEPEncrypt=true     # true|false
        lnxreq_hostWEPDecrypt=true     # true|false
        dot11PrivacyInvoked=true        # true|false
        dot11WEPDefaultKeyID=0          # 0|1|2|3
        dot11ExcludeUnencrypted=true    # true|false, in AP this means WEP
                                        #  is required for all STAs

        # If PRIV_GENSTR is not empty, use PRIV_GENTSTR to generate
        #  keys (just a convenience)
        # PRIV_GENERATOR=/sbin/nwepgen  # nwepgen, Neesus compatible
        # PRIV_KEY128=false             # keylength to generate
        # PRIV_GENSTR=""

        # or set them explicitly.  Set genstr or keys, not both.
        dot11WEPDefaultKey0=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX # where
this is my hex key
        #=======SELECT STATION MODE===================
        IS_ADHOC=n                      # y|n, y - adhoc, n - infrastructure

        #=======INFRASTRUCTURE STATION START===================
        # SSID is all we have for now
        AuthType="sharedkey"            # opensystem | sharedkey (requires
        # Use DesiredSSID="" to associate with any AP in range

        #=======ADHOC STATION START============================
        SSID=""         # SSID
        BCNINT=100                      # Beacon interval (in Kus)
        CHANNEL=6                       # DS channel for BSS (1-14, depends
                                        #   on regulatory domain)
        BASICRATES="2 4"                # Rates for mgmt&ctl frames (in
        OPRATES="2 4 11 22"             # Supported rates in BSS (in 500Kb/s)


Does anyone see anything there that may be wrong?  If someone could share
their config file(s) with the appropriate security settings removed, that
would be a great help.

Thanks again,


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