> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > Am Sonntag, 1. Juni 2003 14:30 schrieb Wei Wang: > > Hi, all, > > > > I have installed Woody on my X30 and couldn't make the hibernation work > > under Debian. I used > > the hibernation utility Diskette provided by IBM: > > http://www-3.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-4PESMK > > > > And pressing Fn+F12 doesn't give any response at all. While Fn+F3, Fn+F4 > > all work perfectly. The following is what I did: > > > > After creating a 1G FAT16 primary partition(hda right after > > the first partition, I used the IBM disk and created a file. But > > hibernation still doesn't > > work(Fn+F12 has no response at all, while Fn+F3, Fn+F4 all work > properly). > > > > My partition table look like this: > > /dev/hda1 * 1 1944 14696608+ 7 HPFS/NTFS > > /dev/hda2 4986 5168 1383480 1c Hidden Win95 > FAT32 (LBA) > > /dev/hda3 2084 4985 21939120 f Win95 Ext'd (LBA) > > /dev/hda4 1945 2083 1050840 e Win95 FAT16 (LBA) > > /dev/hda5 2084 2777 5246608+ 7 HPFS/NTFS > > /dev/hda6 2778 2916 1050808+ 6 FAT16 > > /dev/hda7 2917 3187 2048728+ 82 Linux swap > > /dev/hda8 3188 4985 13592848+ 83 Linux > > > > Please note that hda4 is the partition I created for > hibernation. Strangely > > although it is physically right after the first partition, it's > ordered as > > hda4. And the > > last physical parititon, the IBM recover hidden partition, is ordered as > > hda2.
Hi, I've got hibernation working at an X22 an did it your way, with some exceptions: - my hibernation is /dev/hda2 (I think it's been a requirement and I don't need to >recover< to Windows.) - /dev/hda2 is: - partition type "c" --> Win 95 FAT32 (LBA); I had to change it with fdisk - bootable Make sure that your RAM size fits in it! Marcus Will