Hi Lajos,

On Wednesday 04 June 2003 15:21, Lajos Mester wrote:
> Hallo,
>  ich spiele gerade mit dem Gedanken, einen Laptop mir zu kaufen. Da ich
> nicht allzu viel Geld ausgeben möchte, habe ich die Sache schon begrenzt:
>  entweder Maxdata M-book 1000T oder IPC Archtec Power Socket 14 2000+
> Basic.
> Die Frage ist, welche von Beiden? Oder liber keiner, und sollte ich mal an
> Dell, Toshiba und Co. denken?
> Hat jemand schon Erfarung mit irrgendwelchem? Worauf sollte ich unbedingt
> achten?

diese Liste unterhält sich auf Englisch. Bitte zukünftige Posts entsprechend 


>I might want to buy a laptop, not wanting to spend too much money. Therefore 
>the following candidate models were chosen: MaxData M-Book 1000T or IPC 
>Archtec Power Socket bla...

>The question is, which of both? Or better none of them, instead opting for 
>Dell, Toshiba etc.? Any experiences with which models? What should I be 
>concerned about?

There are myriads of discussions about which model to prefer. You will have to 
some homework. Try:


Browse the mailing list's archive:


People here have VERY different opinions on vendors and specific models. Some 
common sense: IBM is good, though expensive. Toshiba is more or less reliable 
and has fairly good linux support. Gericom is horrible for many (especially 
support), though widespread in Germany. Opinions on Dell vary, I am overall 
satisfied with mine, but it's far from perfect.

 Frank Trenkamp                            ftrenkam at uos.de
 GPG fprt: 5A0C 4AE9 74A5 51F0 2D34  E7DC 67FF 32C4 0357 5653

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