Hello list, I have a Toshiba Satellite 5100-603 notebook with Debian 3.0 (stable) installed. This is a "legacy free" notebook, so I have built an ACPI enabled kernel (by installing and unpacking the 2.4.18 kernel source package, applying the acpi-20020918-2.4.18.diff.gz patch downloaded from sourceforge and using make-kpkg according to the instructions in http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-kernel.en.html) and installed the resulting kernel package.
The new kernel boots ok and gives me a /proc/acpi/toshiba directory with the "video" file, but somehow, this doesn't quite work for me. I'd like to run the notebook connected to a beamer for presentations, such that I also see what I'm presenting on the lcd. So, here's what I tried and what I got: * start X in 1024x768 mode, then, as root, run echo 'crt_out: 1' > /proc/acpi/toshiba/video --> nothing happens, not even the content of the video file changes, no matter whether beamer is connected or not. * start without beamer connected, connect it when system has booted into console. Then, log in and run "echo 'crt_out: 1' > /proc/acpi/toshiba/video" in console mode --> content of video file reflects change to "crt_out: 1" and console appears on both lcd and beamer. But upon running "startx", things get messed up, I could not even cleanly shut down the system anymore. * start with beamer connected --> console appears on beamer but lcd is dead. Upon running "echo 'crt_out: 1' > /proc/acpi/toshiba/video", lcd backlight comes on, but lcd displays random pattern that converge to uniform whitish over several seconds. >From reading various docs, it has been my understanding that the lcd and crt video output can be switched on and off at will by appropriately writing into the /proc/acpi/toshiba/video file. What have I missed? Thanx in advance for any help. Greetinx, Jan -- +- Jan T. Kim -------------------------------------------------------+ | *NEW* email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | *NEW* WWW: http://www.inb.uni-luebeck.de/staff/kim.html | *-----=< hierarchical systems are for files, not for humans >=-----*