
well, I don't use the /etc/wlan* stuff ... I'm using wehereami and I
wrote my own script to bring the interface up and down with or without

If you want to I can send my script to you, but remember that is used
diferently ...


On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 12:15:47AM +0200, Thorsten Haude wrote:
> Hi,
> * Obi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-05-13 08:23]:
> >Well, I have a P2110 too and I use linux-wlan-ng too to access my
> >wireless. I used to get the WEP working, but it was sometimes ago and
> >I don't know how to test it anymore.
> Could you send me your stuff in /etc/wlan*, minus all sensitive
> information of course?
> >Did you manage to 'join' the AP? Are there any error there?
> I'm not sure. Everything seems to work fine, except for the fact that
> it doesn't work. I could have missed some errors though.
> >Are you sure is WEP: I mean did you get it to work without WEP?
> Yup, that worked.
> Thanks for your help!
> Thorsten
> -- 
> Politik kann man in diesem Lande definieren als die Durchsetzung
> wirtschaftlicher Zwecke mit Hilfe der Gesetzgebung.
>     - Kurt Tucholsky

| Graziano Obertelli    | CS Dept. Rm 102          |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | University of California |
| (805) 893-5212        | Santa Barbara, CA 93106  |

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