Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 19:32:06 -0400
From: Kevin McKinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ACPI sleep/hibernation mode

On Thu, 08 May 2003 16:59:15 -0400
Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-3123, to be clear, S2R doesn't work (at least for me)
> > with the NVidia driver, only with the free nv one. But I can switch to
> > console with no flickering on the NVdrivers, just fine.
> Hmmph, doesn't work for me (Inspiron 2650)

S2R with NVIDIA works for some, with a little tinkering. Go here to see how:

Scroll down to the Power Management section of the Debian half of the page.

You may need to modify the NVIDIA wrapper before you compile the driver, and
disable AGP in XF86Config-4


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