Obi, Thanks for the reply, i actually figured out what the problem was, finally. Often i just try out new stuff, usually after i know that something works, sometimes before and that can get you into those grey areas.
I was plugging my WAP into a hardware router, not directly into my cable line so i was connecting fine to the internet but that WAP could not recieve the DNS servers through the router, which i still think is odd. If i use my other debian box as a NAT/firewall and go into that first then to the WAP, it will get the dns. Thanks again. >>> Obi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/03/03 1:58 PM >>> I think that the other options would be to instruct your WAP to give you back a different DNS server. Mine has this option in the configuration. dhclient.conf is the same file: it just changed place lately (I'm running sid). If you edit the file you'll see a lot of commented out options and one of them is something like: prepepnd domanin-name-servers ... and you can then put yours in there. ciao graziano On 2003.05.02 06:32, David Wright wrote: > >Are you running DHCP? > >You can see in /etc/pcmcia/networks.opts for a DHCP option. > > - yes to both, i did. > /etc/pcmcia/networks.opts > DHCP="y" > > >I use dhclient and I had to >modify /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to > precede > my DNS to >the one coming from the dhcp server. > > -I'm not familiar with this file: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf > I know /etc/dhclient.conf but do not usually have to have any special > config. > > Thanks for the reply. > > -mus > > > > On 2003.05.02 00:53, cmustard wrote: > > Ok, i know that this is because the system is > not seeing the correct nameservers. I just installed this > wireless card and it seems to come up ok, with the correct drivers > etc, The problem is i can't ping aything not on my local network, > like, '', however i can ping: >, which is yahoo, so is appears the nameservers > are not being seen. > > /etc/resolv.conf gets automatically > written at boot (and shutdown) time to: > search > nameservers > > by, what i believe, /etc/pcmcia/network.opts > > If i try to configure /etc/pcmcia/network.opts > to include the proper dns servers of my isp it will > include them but still appends the above as it's last > entry. I know that is the WAP ip, (my gateway > to the internet) but where is it getting this entry and how > can i properly add the correct dns servers so i can actually use > this card. > > > thanks > > -cmus > > > >