Havent really received any replies to this post, however i must let
everyone know what the problem was.
Basically it was a matter of massive cerebral hemorraging - my brain
actually. In /etc/pcmcia/conf I had a faulty bind for my card..it was
binding to a non existent device...I had seen that error message but didnt
think it mattered - geez how dumb can i be - anyway, I rectified the matter
and the error messages have disappeared and my connection is reasonably
Have a nice weekend all.
--On Thursday, May 01, 2003 08:53:33 +0200 Thomas Nyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi everyone
For those with good recall you may recall my earlier postings.
I have a belkin wireless pcmcia card and a netgear me102 accesspoint
(with latest firmware for 128 wep).
I keep getting various errors and major packet loss when using my
wireless connection.
error messages
kernel: Tx error, status 4 (FID=010F)
kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth1: transmit timed out
kernel: eth1: Tx timeout! Resetting card.
kernel: eth1: Unknown Rx error (0x3). Frame dropped
kernel: eth1 Undecryptable frame on Rx. Frame dropped.
the last error message i can guess at but the rest I'm unsure
off...however regardless of the reason or meaning of the error messages i
can notice that wehn i ping a machine on the local network i have a
packet loss of between n40 and 60 % which is entirely unacceptable.
I would appreciate any info and i would especially appreciate hearing
from someone who uses Netgear AP ME102
Secondly, i am beginning to suspect that iwconfig does not write the
encryption key in correct format ...anyway, if i have a encryption key of
say 12-78-36-73-15 how can i manually translate it into hex format?
(always assuming hex is a correct format?)
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