Jon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a toshiba libretto 50CT, the laptop has a 6.1" screen only
> 640x480 res.
> I'm using ratpoison, and for my term, use 'rxvt', with the font 8x16,
> the sony fixed font.  The problem is that, this font and this screen
> only allows for 79x27, afew of the apps I'm using require 80 columns.
> My question is, how can I figure out how to get the biggest font
> possible, and still have 80 columns of text.  If the font isn't big
> enough, you will really not want to look at the screen for very long.
> Also, seems that 'rxvt' or ratpoison, not sure which, puts a 1 'pixel'
> border around rxvt, wondering if there is a way to get rid of the
> border, and possibly squeeze another character out of screen?

Has your rxvt window got a scrollbar? If so, try the following in your

rxvt*scrollBar: false
Hilsen Harald.

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