From: "Jacob Tennant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have followed your directions, run pppconfig and told it to connect on
> demand, however I still can not get the modem to dial out?
> My modem is a 33.6K PCMCIA card modem that came with the computer from IBM
> (Thinkpad 770).
> When I was doing the installation of linux it dialed out one time but I
> can't seem to get it to work now?
> Haven't been able to figure out how to do anything with diald?

diald is completely unnecessary if you've told pppconfig to use demand dialing.

pppconfig sets up a configuration for using the 'pon' command.  You still need
to run 'pon' before the demand dialing will work. What happens when you use pon?

Your best method for testing this is to comment out the demand option in
/etc/ppp/options or the relevant /etc/ppp/peers file, and then use pon to start
a ppp session.  If you can get it to dial every time you use pon, and close the
connection every time you use poff, then restore the demand option, run pon
once, and you should be set.


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