From: "Emma Jane Hogbin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed, Apr 16, 2003 at 03:25:20PM +0200, Ivar Alm wrote:
> > First try to find out WHY the machine suspends. If you find that out, then
> > you can start to explore why the machine doesn't restore/wake up.
> The only thing I've been able to figure out is the computer freezes when
> it tries to enter S3. If the screen is already off (screen saver) then it
> freezes there.
> According to
> this is Suspend to RAM and is not well supported. I would like to turn off
> all of the sleep states in:
> /proc/acpi/sleep
> (i.e. not allow any sleep states to be entered)
> Is there a way to do this? I can't find it in the documentation for ACPI.
That would be because it isn't part of the user's interface to ACPI.  How are
you _getting_ to S3?  It isn't ACPI that tries to put the computer to sleep in
the first place, though you can have set up acpid (which isn't at all the same
thing) to do it.  ACPI merely generates or responds to events - some external
process has to write to /proc/acpi/sleep to put it into S3.

You could disable sleep states in ACPI, but it requires rewriting the DSDT table
in the BIOS.  The DSDT essentially tells ACPI what hardware options are

It sounds to me much more likely that your computer has _never_ gone to S3 but
that your BIOS might be attempting to do something outside of ACPI. What
evidence do you have?  If I really thought this was an ACPI issue, I'd suggest
that [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be a more appropriate place to ask

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