>Is't here somebody using sid?
>Can be 'sid' used by experienced user for everyday work on notebook?
>Or better question: "How stable is unstable 'sid' release"?

I'm running sid on a Dell Inspiron 8200.  The xfree86 4.2 nv driver
works on it, unlike the one in woody.  I make no claims on being a
typical user.  This system is used mainly as an xterm, web browser,
and some program development.

Sid generally works fine, but there are occasional problems.  The
major ones were fixed within a day, and I've lived with the minor
ones.  (vorbis migration, abiword uninstallable, etc.)

If you have the disk space, you could have a dual boot system with
woody.  (Share /home and swap.)  Another thing I've seen is woody with
a sid chroot where most work was done.
Blars Blarson                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Text is a way we cheat time." -- Patrick Nielsen Hayden

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