
I've installed the fam daemon to "look" at my files when i use KDE on my debian laptop, but i read on the fam package that it uses the imon kernel modules to check whenever a file changes, or if the imon monitor isn't available it uses pooling...

I've been digging :-) the oss.sgi.com site and found the imon kernel patch and applyed it to my kernel 2.4.18 (had to fix 2 files). The kernel compiles fine, the imon modules exists and loads ok, but whenever i use the fam daemon it seams that it doesn't use the imon modules...

If it doesn't use the imon modules, probably it is pooling my fs...

Is there any configuration needed to make fam use the imon module?

My system is a Pentium3 class laptop with stable packages for woody and kernel 2.4.18 with imon + xfs patches from oss.sgi.com

I've read that fam can also use the dnotify, but i can't locate it when i configure my kernel...

Paulo Lopes.

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