Pavlos Parissis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >  Just to remember the situation... You have 2 mice.. First one is the 
> > touchpad
> >  embeded on your C840, second one is a USB mouse..
> >  
> >  Is that right ?
> Yes and no,I don't have USB mouse.If you read my first post you will see that 
> I am
> using
> PS/2  mouse

Oops... I was thinking about USB mouse... It's why I've asked you about USB
aware kernel...

Forget all I wrote, it is bullshit concerning external PS/2 mouse...

You probably must declare the touchpad as non-PS/2 device, to allow the
external PS/2 to be active at the same time. But this is not a reliable
info, it is just an idea.

Feel free to find somebody else who can answer to your question, I'm not
a PS/2 specialist :)

And, please, don't CC: me each time, I've subscribed the list, so I can
see your answers...

François TOURDE - - 23 rue Bernard GANTE - 93250 VILLEMOMBLE
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