I was wondering if anyone has been successful in getting X and ethernet working for the system. I tried to install Debian on my laptop by wiping out Red Hat. Since the X and ethernet did not work, I'm back to RH again. I also read an entry for pcg-grx316mp that setting up X is really difficult (for average users). Please let me know if anyone is using Debian successfully in pcg-grx500. Thanks.
- Woody on Sony Vaio PCG-GRX500 asubedi
- Re: Woody on Sony Vaio PCG-GRX500 Joe Wreschnig
- xdm and twm Jordi Cerdan
- Re: xdm and twm James Tappin
- Re: xdm and twm Ionel Mugurel Ciobica
- Re: xdm and twm Michelle Konzack
- Re: xdm and twm Arne Koewing
- Re: xdm and twm Shyamal Prasad
- RE: Woody on Sony Vaio PCG-GRX500 asubedi
- RE: Woody on Sony Vaio PCG-GRX500 Joe Wreschnig