Take a look at masqmail.  I have an almost identical configuration to what
you describe, and masqmail seems to fit the bill quite nicely.  I should
mention that the version currently in unstable has some extra features
that work better with multiple sending accounts.

Best of luck.


----------- In reply to Joao Pedro Clemente, who wrote... -----------
> So I'm seeking for advice here...
> This is what I'm facing: I'd like to get a mail client at my laptop to
> carry my mail with me everywhere, checking it out at the seaside, in the
> sun.. or when I'm facing those 2-hour wait at the dentist...
> Anyway, I'm working at 2 different locations and besides that I also have
> net at home... This totals 3 different configs to send mail, so I would
> try to figure out what's best to setup..
> Besides, I would like to get a mail client with threading and coloring
> ability, so I've narrowed down my toughts to mutt, kmail and sylpheed.
> I was thinking in a mutt/kmail setup, as sylpheed seems to be using
> another mail format and besides I'm having some locale problems with it..
> What I really want to know is if I should use my mail client internal
> ability to send/read mail [kmail/sylpheed have pop3/smtp support] or if I
> should try to setup local mail servers:
> As I'm the single user of my laptop, this seems a overkill:
> - I only fetch mail of 1 user (me) from my [1] pop3 account.
> - I only send mail from me to some smtp server
> However, I see there can be some advantages:
> - Easier to change smtp server, maybe with a script that checks the ip
> I've got from dhcp and then decides what will be my server (I would need
> to get a mapping table [myDhcpIp - smtpServerToUse].
> - Can "send" mail ignoring whether I'm online or not - the server would
> take care of that and send whenever I got online(?)
> - Mail is stored locally and not in mail client - can use different
> mail client without needing to fetch/sincronize(?)
> - Can use mutt
> - Maybe can work without needing a smtp server to forward to(?)
> So, basically, I am wondering: Is setting up a local mail service, just to
> serve myself, a overkill or not?
> Any advice from anyone who uses it's laptop to send mail from different
> locations, and from anyone who can validate my "(?)"'s ?
> Thank you
> Joao Clemente
> Ps: Maybe I'm just needing to be pointed to some documentation I should
> read to understand what's this all about?
> -- 
>                               Joao Pedro Clemente
>                               jpcl @ rnl.ist.utl.pt
>                                       (when not working out)
>                                       (when not sleeping)
>                                       (when not surfing)
>                                       (when not ... ;)
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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