mi wrote:
> I'm surprised.
> Does anybody know how this SPAM can urge my mailer ( KMail) to request a 
> webpage ( <shuguang.ebesite.com> ) ?
> Is this a kind of 'linux virus' then ?

That's easy: because actually the file is base64 encoded HTML
file which is (again encoded, but gzipped before, so it should be
harmless) frameset with individual frames around the net. Take
a look at it with less.

What it means is not that this is Linux virus (there is no active
code in it and I believe that even if the downloaded stuff would
be code, it is quite harmless, because there is no Javascript
active in KMail), but that it is spammer's answer to the problem
of too much big spam. All spammers deals with one terrible
problem (not that I would be much sorry for them): for commercial
purposes they would like to stuff our throats with as much as
graphics, JavaScript, and other blinking gismos as possible, but
in the same time, they have to limit the amount of trash they
sent out, because THEIR SMTP server would be broken down (I
guess, that anything more than 20k times tens of thousands
messages would make their life on dial-up or even cheaper DSL
kind of miserable -- spamming is still mostly kind of cottage
industry). One solution of this problem is to send out HTML which
contains code for downloading visual trash through usual HTTP
ways which are usually capable of pushing much more stuff (and it
is not in the one moment anyway).

Is it sufficient explanation?

If you want to know what to do with KMail, then you can set kmail
not to show HTML primarily (note though, that probably there was
no real of any danger, because JavaScript is switched off on
Default so no active code would be downloaded anyway).


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for
Socialism is its adherents.
    -- George Orwell

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