On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 10:57:38PM -0500, Bret Comstock Waldow wrote: > I've got Woody installed, starting from r0 CD, but getting all packages > from the net. During install, I chose gdm as default boot manager, and
Display manager, that is. Boot managers are things like lilo and brub. > selected all sorts of Gnome from dselect, which appears to have been > duly installed. > > The system boots to a text prompt. I want it to boot to gdm. Check your runlevel, by typing runlevel in console. It's 2 by default. Then check which services are started for your runlevel in /etc/rcX.d/, where X is the number of your runlevel. If gdm is missing there, just add it there. > Also, gdm won't allow me to log in as root. ?? You don't want to do that anyway. Just log in as a normal user and user su / sudo to do tasks which require superuser rights. [e] -- _______________________________________________________________________________ >[EMAIL PROTECTED]< /(bb|[^b]{2})/ >>http://hq.sk/~euro< "always know what you say, but do not always say what you know"
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