On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 10:36:32PM +0000, Joao Pedro Clemente wrote:
>                                       (when not ... ;)
> > just a sidenote: AFAIK all LCD's have a fixed refresh rate of 60Hz. I have
> > yet to hear of a LCD that breaks this "rule". Maybe anyone can offer more
> > insightful info on this?
> Sorry, thats not completely true. There are some LCD's working at 75Hz.
>  >>> BUT <<< I think those ones are not on laptops but regular "home
> cinema" TV lcd's....
> So, yes, I also think all laptops lcd's work at 60 Hz...

I *know* that I've seen the value 65.14 repeatedly before in this
context.  Not 60, not 59 and loose change, but either 65.14 or 65.15.

BTW you get slightly different results from the old 3.3.6 SVGA driver
than any framebuffer driver.  I suspect that some interaction with the
chips in the monitor plays a part - the same ones that respond to
read-edid, if your box responds at all usefully to that tool.

People often forget there are three magic values, not just two...

Dotclock ... listed as the first value on the modeline.

The Dotclock's limits are in your video card, sometimes you can find
values which make it exceedingly happy, much to the surprise and
pleasure of your eyeballs.  Or at least mine :)

* Heather Stern * star@ many places...
                * Starshine Technical Services -*- 800 938 4078

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