On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 20:32, Matt Wesley wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to install a dual partition with linux and xp on my recently 
> bought toshiba satellita 2435/S255, 2.4P4, 512. I have unsuccessfully tried 
> to boot red hat and knoppix (they both die very early on in the process). 
> All attempts to fiddle around with options for these two systems  have 
> failed too.
> Rumors are that Debian and/or SuSE however boot without problems. I am 
> looking for some confirmation that this is indeed the case. I would be very 
> grateful to hear from someone who has managed to successfully set up Debian 
> on this toshiba system (or a close one).

I have a Toshiba 3007-S307 and  it would also staall in the boot
process, at the point the md drivers get loaded. The work around was to
boot from 'disk5' (the 2.4 kernel) of the Debian cd set. 

Jayson Garrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Appleby & Company Inc.

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