On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 09:53:05AM +0100, Chris Halls wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 09:13:02PM +1300, Andrew McMillan wrote:
> > Don't forget that you can tweak you DHCP settings to make it not wait so
> > long.
> Ah, now that's a good idea.  What about adding a note to the whereami
> documentation for testdhcp?
> > This is what I do to set my timeout down to two seconds - I don't know
> > of a LAN that wouldn't respond to DHCP in sub-second time.  
> Well, many people configure their DHCP server to ping an IP address and wait
> for 1 second before offering the lease (the ping-check configuration flag
> for dhcpd), so 3 or 4 seconds is perhaps better 'just in case'.
I've tweaked replaced "ifup -a" in /etc/init.d/network with the following:

ifup lo
INTERFACES="mii-tool | grep -v "no link" | cut -d: -f1"

for p in $INTERFACES
        ifup $p

It works for me, I'm either in a DHCP network, WLAN or standalone.

-simonm (E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] W: +44 28 9072 5060 M: +44 7710 836915)
I'm a bomb technician. If you see me running, try to keep up.

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