I have just finished a small driver for Asus L2D, mayb it can work on
your l3800c, check out my page : http://julien.lerouge.free.fr

On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 12:35:19AM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > it does not work on the asus l3800c, though. unfortunately, i cannot
> > investigate any further, because i have to give it back today.

> Hey! I have one of those! Have you had some key working with that patch,
> that would motivate further tries? Or it's completely useless?
> Thanks

main() {int j = 1234; char t[] = ":@ab4defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.\n", *i =
"iqgbgxmjjtzyhlnvlzeo.xlstbqbrt";char *strchr(const char *, int);while (
*i){j += strchr(t, *i++) - t;j %= sizeof t - 1;putchar(t[j]);}return 0;}

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