anh le-phuoc, 2003-Feb-01 22:05 +0000:
> >
> > So now, to my questions:
> >
> > 1. What config changes might I make to help the situation?
> >
> > 2. If postfix can't be changed, what might replace postfix to solve my
> >    problem?  I'm not so concerned about cups since I don't need to
> >    print during the times I want the HDD to spin down, so I'll just
> >    stop it.
> >
> > thanks,
> > jc
> There are many apps that write to /etc and /var areas. Most stuff written to 
> /var/spool/ can probably be discarded after a reboot so you can create a RAM 
> disk and relocate /var/spool to it. Some apps require to pre-create a 
> directory structure (empty) first.
> While you are at it you can also move:
>       /tmp
>       /var/run
> to RAM disk as well.

Interesting option, but I'll save this for later.  I want to try
config options for the apps in question first.
> Be careful when using -mtime or -mmin to determine the recently accessed 
> file, as that would only return the recently "modified" files. You should 
> probably use -atime and -amin because the disk would need to spin even when 
> you are only reading.

I tried using atime and amin as you suggest.  I got similar results.
Postfix and Cups were till causing my problems.


Jeff Coppock            Systems Engineer
Diggin' Debian          Admin and User

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