Pietro Calogero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After some more digging around and a lucky hunch I tried
>    insmod 3c59x
> and got the card working.
> When I ran pppoeconf it asked me whether I wanted it to automatically
> open a connection at boot time. I said no, so it said I can start the
> connection with:
>    pon dsl-provider
> and stop it with:
>    poff
> That works, but I have to open a shell window and su as root to
> execute either command.
> I am uneasy about being temporarily logged in as root in order to
> start/stop DSL connections.
> Any suggestions of a more secure and elegant method of start/stopping
> DSL connections?
> Pietro

Add all users who should be able to open the dsl-connection to the
groups "dialout" and "dip":

adduser <user> dip
adduser <user> dialout


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