On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 21:15:05 -0800 (PST)
Daka Justice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i have installed redhat 7.3 on my laptop but my integrated ethernet card is 
> not working. It appears the card cannot be recognised.  Has any one solved 
> this problem before

Two things: You may want to try installing Debian since this is a Debian 
mailing-list; most of us don't really know how to use redhat effectively (and a 
number of us don't want to :o).  Also, if you want any help, you will have to 
include some information about your laptop, either from /proc, dmesg(1), or 
from research you have done.

> Justice Daka
> Box 245
> 103 Cumberland Ave S
> Saskatoon S7N 1L6, SK
> Tel (306) 251 2256

| It's not enough to have a good mind; the main     |
|   thing is to use it well.                        |
|     -- Rene Descartes                             |
) http://www.cuodan.net/~xsdg/    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

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