On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 14:17, Frank Trenkamp wrote:
> Hi Ivan,
> > X is in VESA mode, as the Thinkpad has unsupported Radeon video.
> Mobility 7500 Radeon? You will most surely need XFree 4.2.x, by now
> finally available in in unstable (and testing? dunno). I've been using an
>  install from binaries from XFree86.org - running fine for months now.
This is definitely true.  There are woody debs available that work great

> > If I'm in X (Gnome) and I'm idle for a while (10 mins?) X crashes.  The
> > error messages seem to be to do with trying to run a screensaver.  Now,
> > I have xscreensaver installed, but opening Gnome Control Center's
> > screensaver tab causes X to crash instantly.  Same thing happens when
> > xscreensaver is not installed.  I'm happy not to have a screensaver,
> > and/or for the screen to just go blank like it does when in console mode.
The Star Wars screensaver (opengl believe it or not) always locked up my
machine.  Others may have too, but I pinpointed it to that one. 
Upgrading X solved it IIRC.  Also try upgrading xscreensaver if you are
using woody.  I know for a while, I just made sure I didn't use opengl

Jamie Strandboge

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