Hello Roe.

Besides special hardware-related issues, I can imagine two main-lines to 
consider. Sorry, no simple answer but instead a bunch of questions here from 

1. Provided that by 'paging out to disk' you mean swapping:
What services are you running ? esp. what servers. Would be interesting to 
know with what you reach the level of intensive swapping at all, beyond 256 
MB Ram. Mozilla caching, and/or proxies ?
Look into 'top' and 'ps aux | less' within a shell when system slows down.
What size are your swaps, what says your /etc/fstab and mtab also.
Perhaps you can post some more info's about.

2. Something with ide-drivers and/or filesystem:
Check your kernel- .config, with 'make menuconfig' or something alike, esp. 
the block-device-section. Lookup dmesg and syslog carefully. dma is alright 
there ? Run e2fsck and debugfs ( or other tools appropriate to your 
filesystem ). 

There may be more wickened things beyond screen an keyboard, of 
course ;-)
Anyway, providing more informations to the list would be useful.



Roe Peterson schrieb zu dell precision m50 _very_ slow paging/swapping:
> I'm having a big problem with a brand-new M50.  The symptoms persist
> whether I try Redhat 7.3
> or 8.0.
> Generally, everything is fine, right up to the time the machine starts
> paging out to disk.  Then, the
> system essentially grinds to a halt.
>     1.8Ghz Pentium 4 Pro Mobile CPU
>     256MB RAM
>     40 GB hard drive (userland benchmarks look good - 16-18 MB/sec
> transfer rates)
>     nVidia Quadro 4 GoGl video
>     PIIX4 EIDE chipset
>     i810 compatible sound
>     Latest BIOS upgrade from Dell (A07)

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