Le Mardi 31 Décembre 2002 17:23, Stefano Canepa a écrit :
> Tuesday 31 December 2002, alle 07:12, André Lefranc:

> Have you Mandrake still on your system? 
no it's too difficult for me to install 3 system on my laptop ...

>If yes check if the X is
> configured to use the frame buffer device. If so use modconf to load
> frame buffer on you kernel. If you are using a kernel without frame
> buffer try installing bf2.4 it has the module.

> I also read that the trident module of XFree86 4 works fine.
In my woody distribution it's  XFree86 4  version.

now, it's better :
- I have the full screen : and mouse is OK
Kmail is ok but all other applications don't work...
but there are offer in the debian menu ?

but keybord is not the good choice : 105 dont work properly :
It's impossible to obtain  all characters with Alt Gr tab

I'am affraid when I want (in a futur ?) to connect my laptop on the net ...

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