My oppinion might be different. My second Laptop has been an Apple
Ibook2 12"screen g3-800MHz, 640MB RAM, airport & 30GB HD. The most
difficult has been changing architecture options and new things at the
kernel, but in 10 days time i've already got nearly averything working
fine in Linux debian SID on it. I havn't tried FireWire yet & no
transparencies yet on kde3.
It has cost mee 2000€, in diference from my first laptop, Dell Inspiron
7500 (nearly 4000€!!), i've bought this ibook one becouse lightweight,
only 2Kg in front of 3,5Kg inspirons. My shoulders are now agree.
Battery in ibook is nearly 5 hours, and dell only 3hours in a battery.
Also ibook has all conections out like USB,iee1394,VGA ...
Anyway I wanted a Sony Vaio, nice small pretty thing, but i've been told
not to do it. crusoe chip was not fine.
I see Laptops now are becomming like toasters, works fine for few time &
then it gives such much problems that you prefer to by new one, that's
wy there are so cheap now.
I still like my Inspiron but now i go out with the apple. :-)